Introduction on hospital
Introduction on hospital
HanGil Medical Foundation Info
- Opening date March 25th, 1985
- Location 35 Bupyeongdaero, Bupyeng-gu, Incheon
- Size Total floor area 8,900㎡(2,700 pyong)
- Facility 17 Doctor’s offices, 6 Operation rooms, 24 Examination rooms, 57 Sickbed
Korean representative ophthalmology recognized
by Ministry of Health and Welfare
Han Gil Eye Hospital passed strict examination standards of Ministry of Health and Welfare and simultaneously achieved ‘Certified medical institution’ and ‘Designated as Eye specialized hospital’.
Korea’s first hospital level ‘Medical institution certified by Ministry of Health and Welfare’
Incheon’s only one ‘Eye specialized hospital designated by Ministry of Health and Welfare’
Outstanding medical institution for foreign patients
Evaluation and Designation of Medical Institutions for Foreign Patients’ is system in which the government directly assesses foreign patient-specific services and patient safety systems, and directly certifies medical institutions. A certifying mark was given to four hospitals in the county for the first time in August 2017. After acquiring the 1st designation, we acquired 2nd in 2019.
HanGil Medical Foundation was the only general hospital class hospital that acquired the certifying mark as of January 2021.
Korea’s first hospital level certified medical institution
‘Medical institution certification’ is a system to certify when medical institution fulfills the standard by evaluating medical service.
After acquiring 1st certification in 2011, we acquired 2nd in 2015, 3rd in 2019 and our hospital was certified of reliable and excellent capability
for safety of patients and quality of medical treatment.
Incheon’s only one‘Eye specialized hospital designated by Ministry of Health and Welfare’
"Specialty hospital" is a hospital designated by the MOHW as being able to perform high-level medical treatments for specified medical subjects and diseases.
In Incheon, HanGil Eye Hospital was designated as the sole hospital which specializes in the ophthalmology for the second time in 2015 and the third time in 2018, following its first designation in 2011.
Number of patients per year

- The average number of patient per day was 900~1,000
Performed more than 5000 cases of retinal surgeries per year
- 5,729 cases in 2018
- 5,747 cases in 2017
- 5,411 cases in 2016
- 6,486 cases in 2019
- 5,871 cares in 2020
Performed more than 1000 cases of retinal surgeries per year
- 1,088 cases in 2018
- 1,170 cases in 2017
- 1,049 cases in 2019
- 1,119 cases in 2020